1. SmoWeb architecture overview

SmoWeb platform components

1.1. Server architecture

The server is responsible for performing most of the numerical compuations, saving and retrieving data from the various storage backends, managing users and access. The server consists of a web server, application server with computational engine, data storages and task queue.

1.1.1. Web server

The web-server provides the network communicaiton with the client. It redirects the client requests through a WSGI interface to the Python application server and returns the responses back to the client. The communication with the client uses the HTTP protocol, but in the future will likely switch to the secure HTTPS protocol. Currently, Apache is used as the web-server, but there are many alternatives.

1.1.2. Application server

The application server (Django) does the actual work and implements the platform business logic. It accepts the client request, and based on its URL, calls a view (a function or a class designed to handle that particular request type). The view processes the parameters of the request, and itself calls classes and functions, part of the Computational engine, to perform the calculations. Finally, a response is formed based on the results of the computation and sent back to the client.

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1.1.3. Dynamic and static content

Dynamic content is the content based on Django views and is generated on the fly based on the user input. Static content, on the other hand, consists of files saved on the server, necessary for the proper display of the pages (CSS, JavaScript libraries, etc.). During the deployment phase of the applciation server, the static content is collected into a static folder and the contents of this folder is served directly by the web server (Apache) to reduce the load on the application server.

1.1.4. Data storage

The platform stores and retrieves different kinds of data and for each there is a designated data storage backend:

  • Administration and user managamenet information is stored in a SQL relational database.
  • Numerical models can be persisted in a non-relational database (MongoDB). They are stored as records which do not have a predefined structure but use BSON (binary JSON) format to store arbitrary hierarchical data. The actual structure of the data is contained in the Python classes used as numerical models. Using non-relational DB allows for easy storage of a large number of different models. In contrast, relational DBs have well-defined tables and table columns and are suited for saving a large number of records having identical structure, and require special care when the Python model persisted is altered.
  • Large numerical arrays can be stored as datasets in HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) numerical database. HDF is suitable for storing a large amount of numerical data, allows for easy data extraction (like ranges and slices for multi-dimensional data), provides interface to numpy for performing numerical operations and allows compact data storage.
  • Finally, static content (CSS, Java Script, images etc.) is stored directly as files on the server file system.

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1.1.5. Computational engine

The computational engine is at the heart of the platform, this is where all the computational apps are defined. At its top level, it consists of numerical models, classes which define input/output fields and field groups, as well as computational methods which operate on these fields. The field definitions serve many purposes, including:

  • validation of field values
  • visualizing the fields to the client
  • storing and retrieving the field values in a database

A number of external python libraries (numpy, scipy, pysparse, fipy, pyFMI etc.) and C/C++ libraries participate in the computational process.

1.1.6. Asynchronous task scheduler

Small tasks, requiring little computational effort, are executed directly in the server process, while longer-running simulations are assigned to a task queue and executed asynchronously. Celery is used as the task scheduler. During a long task execution, the user receives information about the task progress.

1.2. Client architecture

The client provides the user interface, allowing the user to select computational applications, enter data and visualize results.

1.2.1. Client requests

During initial page load (that is, when a user clicks on an address link, or types a URL in the address bar), a GET request is sent to the application server. The server response is the back-bone HTML which gives the basic page layout (including the overhead navigation bar with menu links, the sidebar with the different app modules and documenation present on this page, and the elements outlining the app modules). During this stage are loaded all the necessary static files providing formatting (CSS) and initialization (JS) of the page.

At the end of the load process, each app module on the page performs an AJAX request to the server, and based on the response contents, creates its user interface. Further actions in this module, may trigger additional requests sending and receiving more data to/from the server (e.g. triggering a computation, or storing/loading model data) and updating the user interface, while staying on the same page.

1.2.2. AngularJS application

The client applications are written using the AngularJS JavaScript framework by Google. AngularJS takes a MVC (model-view-controller) approach and facilitates the creation of interactive web pages with minimal code. Through the use of reusable modules and directives, it allows for dynamic manipulation of the page HTML based on the interaction with the user.