1. Angular directives

1.1. smoModelView

This directive handles the communication with the server via a communicator object. The communicator is responsible for sending AJAX requests to carry out specific actions, such as fetching the initial data needed to visualise the model or sending input values to make calculations. Through the communicator, the directive is also able to inform the user about an unsuccessful outcome of the communication by displaying error messages:

<div smo-model-view="inputView" model-name="PipeFlow" view-type="input" auto-fetch="true" view-record-id="551034227dc7c744aa21436e"></div>

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • smo-model-view - The name of the view being visualised

  • model-name - The name of the model, whose view is being visualised

  • view-type - The display type of the model. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • auto-fetch - Boolean value, indicating whether the view should be automatically loaded

  • view-record-id - ID of record of values of the view persisted in a MongoDB database

Uses: smoSuperGroupSet, smoViewToolbar

1.2. smoSuperGroupSet

Displays a set of super-groups, each of which consists of one or more field-groups and/or view-groups. Multiple super-groups are displayed in tabs:

<div smo-super-group-set="superGroupSet" model-name="PipeFlow" view-type="input" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Super-group set

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • smo-super-group-set - An object defining the set of super-groups

  • model-name - The name of the model

  • view-type - The display type of the super-groups in the set. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the values of the fields that are part of the super-groups in the set

Uses: smoSuperGroup

1.3. smoSuperGroup

Used for displaying a super-group:

<div smo-super-group="superGroup" model-name="PipeFlow" view-type="input" smo-data-source="smoDataSource"></div>

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • smo-super-group - An object defining the super-group

  • view-type - The display type of the super-group, which also applies to the field-groups and/or view-groups it contains. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the values of the fields in the super-group

Uses: smoFieldGroup, smoViewGroup

1.4. smoFieldGroup

Visualizes a basic group of fields. Each field-group is displayed as a delimited colored area containing a label and stacked fields:

<div smo-field-group="fieldGroup" view-type="input" smo-data-source="smoDataSource"></div>


Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • smo-field-group - An object defining the field-group

  • view-type - The display type of the field-group, which applies also to all its fields. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the values of the fields making up the field-group

Uses: smoQuantity, smoChoice, smoString, smoBool, smoRecordArray

1.5. smoViewGroup

Displays a grouping of data series (plot or table) and image fields. Each view-group is visualized as a delimited area with pill navigation on the left for switching among its fields:

<div smo-view-group="viewGroup" model-name="PipeFlow" smo-data-source="smoDataSource"></div>


Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • smo-view-group - An object defining the view-group
  • model-name - The name of the model
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the values of the fields making up the view-group

Uses: smoDataSeriesView, smoImg

1.6. smoQuantity

Visualizes a quantity input or output field with unit conversion functionality. In the case of an input field, value validation is also performed:

<div smo-quantity view-type="input" field-var="field" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Quantity field

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • view-type - The display type of the field. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • field-var - An object defining the field

  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.7. smoChoice

Visualizes a field for selecting a value from a dropdown list of options:

<div smo-choice field-var="field" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Choice field

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • field-var - An object defining the field, including the list of options
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.8. smoString

Visualizes a field for input or output of single- or multi-line strings:

<div smo-string view-type="input" field-var="field" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • view-type - The display type of the field. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • field-var - An object defining the field, including the multi-line option

  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.9. smoBool

Visualizes a field for handling boolean values. The directive creates a checkbox (if view-type is input) or true/false (if view-type is output):

<div smo-bool view-type="input" field-var="field" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Input boolean field


Output boolean field

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • view-type - The display type of the field. Valid strings are:
    • input
    • output
  • field-var - An object defining the field

  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.10. smoRecordArray

Displays a field for the input of an array of records. The structure of the records is a combination of the basic field types. The array pops up in edit mode when an icon is clicked by the user:

<div smo-record-array="field" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Record array field in collapsed mode


Record array field in edit mode

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • smo-record-array - An object defining the field
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.11. smoDataSeriesView

Displays a plot or table. The directive draws a plot of series of data using the dygraphs library and table using the Google Charts library. It allows for export in png and csv formats, respectively:

<div smo-data-series-view field-var="field" model-name="PipeFlow" smo-data-source="values"></div>


Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • field-var - An object defining the field
  • model-name - The name of the model
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.12. smoImg

Displays an image:

<div smo-img field-var="fields" model-name="PipeFlow" smo-data-source="values"></div>

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • field-var - An object defining the field
  • model-name - The name of the model
  • smo-data-source - An object containing the value of the field

1.13. smoViewToolbar

A toolbar with buttons to perform actions in relation to a particular view:

<div smo-view-toolbar model="model" view-name="inputView" actions="actions"></div>

Restrict: Attribute

Scope: Yes

  • model - Object representing the model
  • view-name - The name of the view
  • actions - Array of actions

Uses: smoButton

1.14. smoButton

Creates a button:

<smo-button action="addRow(i)" icon="plus" tip="Inserts row at i-th index" size="md"></smo-button>

Restrict: Element

Scope: No

  • action - The function call on a click event

  • icon - The base name of a .png file containing the icon of the button

  • tip - A tooltip to appear on hover

  • size - The width of the button. Valid strings are:
    • sm - 16px, also the default value
    • md - 24px
    • lg - 32px