Created on May 10, 2015
@author: Atanas Pavlov
@copyright: SysMo Ltd, Bulgaria
from smo.web.exceptions import ConnectionError, FieldError
[docs]class Causality(object):
Defines information direction for a variable
Parameter = 0
CalculatedParameter = 1
Input = 2
Output = 3
Local = 4
Independent = 5
RealState = 6
#TimeDerivative = 7
[docs]class Variability(object):
Defines the variability of a variable
Constant = 0
Fixed = 1
Tunable = 2
Discrete = 3
Continuous = 4
[docs]class ModelField(object):
Abstract base class for all field types
# Tracks each time an instance is created. Used to retain order.
creation_counter = 0
def __init__(self, label = None, description = None):
:param str label: text
:param str description: verbose description
self.label = label
self.description = description
# Increase the creation counter, and save our local copy.
self.creation_counter = ModelField.creation_counter
ModelField.creation_counter += 1
[docs] def setName(self, name):
This method is explicitly called to set the field name
:param name: field name
self.name = name
if (self.label is None):
self.label = self.name
if (self.description is None):
self.description = self.label
[docs]class Function(ModelField):
Represents a calculation function in the model
def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, **kwargs):
:param inputs: input variable list
:param outputs: output variable list
super(Function, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
# TODO_: check causalities
def __call__(self, funcDef):
self.funcDef = funcDef
return self
[docs]class Port(ModelField):
Port is a group of model variables exposed to the external world,
used to connect to other models
def __init__(self, variables, subType = None, **kwargs):
:param variables: list of the port variables
:param subtype: derived classes can define special subtypes (e.g. C-port or R-port)
super(Port, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.variables = variables
self.subType = subType
[docs] def checkConnect(self, other):
Perform basic check whether this port can be connected to the other one. Currently it checks:
* the two ports have the same number of variables
:param other: other port that this one is connected to
:type other: :class:`Port`
if (len(self.variables) != len(other.variables)):
raise ConnectionError('Cannot connect ports with different number of variables')
[docs]class ScalarVariable(ModelField):
A fundamental variable field for the model
def __init__(self, causality, variability, **kwargs):
:param causality: causality
:param variabilty: variability
super(ScalarVariable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.causality = causality
self.variability = variability
def default(self):
raise NotImplementedError("{} does not implement 'default' property".format(self.__class__))
[docs]class RealVariable(ScalarVariable):
Scalar variable of type real
def __init__(self, causality = Causality.Local, variability = Variability.Continuous, default = 0., **kwargs):
super(RealVariable, self).__init__(causality, variability, **kwargs)
self.defaultValue = float(default)
def default(self):
return self.defaultValue
[docs]class RealState(RealVariable):
Real variable which is a continuous state. Its value cannot be set directly
by the model, but rather its derivative is calculated and then passed to
the integrator, which computes the value over time.
def __init__(self, start, **kwargs):
super(RealState, self).__init__(causality = Causality.RealState,
variability = Variability.Continuous, **kwargs)
self.start = start
def default(self):
return self.start
class IntegerVariable(ScalarVariable):
Scalar variable of type integer
def __init__(self, causality = Causality.Local, variability = Variability.Discrete, default = 0, **kwargs):
super(IntegerVariable, self).__init__(causality, variability, **kwargs)
self.defaultValue = int(default)
def default(self):
return self.defaultValue
class StateEvent(ModelField):
def __init__(self, locate, **kwargs):
super(StateEvent, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.locate = locate
def __call__(self, update):
self.update = update
return self
[docs]class SubModel(ModelField):
Submodel as part of a larger model
def __init__(self, klass, **kwargs):
:param klass: submodel class (must be a subclass of :class:`DynamicalModel`)
super(SubModel, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.klass = klass
[docs]class InstanceField(object):
Abstract base class for a field in a :class:`DynamicalModel` instance,
corresponding to a field in the model definition.
def __init__(self, modelInstance, clsVar):
:param modelInstance: dynamical model instance
:param clsVar: class variable corresponding to this instance variable
defined in the dynamical model
self.modelInstance = modelInstance
self.clsVar = clsVar
def name(self):
return self.clsVar.name
def qPath(self):
return self.modelInstance.qPath + [self.name]
def qName(self):
return '.'.join(self.qPath)
[docs]class InstanceVariable(InstanceField):
Variable in a model instance
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(InstanceVariable, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.connectedVars = []
def connect(self, other, complement = True):
# Input variables
if (self.clsVar.causality == Causality.Input):
if (len(self.connectedVars) != 0):
raise ConnectionError(self, other, 'Cannot connect input {.qName} to more than one variable'.format(self))
elif (other.clsVar.causality == Causality.Output or other.clsVar.causality == Causality.RealState):
if (complement):
other.connect(self, complement = False)
raise ConnectionError(self, other, 'Can only connect Input variable to an Output variable or RealState')
# Output variables
elif (self.clsVar.causality == Causality.Output):
if (other.clsVar.causality == Causality.Input):
if(other not in self.connectedVars):
if (complement):
other.connect(self, complement = False)
raise ConnectionError(self, other, 'Can only connect Output variable to an Input variable')
# State variables
elif (self.clsVar.causality == Causality.RealState):
if (other.clsVar.causality == Causality.Input):
if(other not in self.connectedVars):
if (complement):
other.connect(self, complement = False)
raise ConnectionError(self, other, 'Can only connect RealState variable to an input variable')
# Other
raise ConnectionError(self, other, 'Connected variables must have causality Input, Output or RealState')
def setValue(self, value):
setattr(self.modelInstance, self.clsVar.name, value)
def getValue(self):
return getattr(self.modelInstance, self.clsVar.name)
[docs]class InstanceFunction(InstanceField):
Function in a model instance
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(InstanceFunction, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.inputs = []
self.outputs = []
for inVar in self.clsVar.inputs:
for outVar in self.clsVar.outputs:
[docs]class InstancePort(InstanceField):
Port in a model instance
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(InstancePort, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.variables = []
for var in self.clsVar.variables:
def connect(self, other):
for (thisVar, otherVar) in zip(self.variables, other.variables):
[docs]class DerivativeVector(object):
Derivative vector in a model instance
def __init__(self, model):
object.__setattr__(self, 'model', model)
object.__setattr__(self, 'dm_realStates', model.__class__.dm_realStates)
for name in self.dm_realStates.keys():
object.__setattr__(self, name, 0.)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
if (name in self.dm_realStates.keys()):
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
raise FieldError('No state derivative with name {}'.format(name))