Let’s create a model for the hydraulic system shown in the figure:
The circuit consists of:
The tower is being continuously filled with water from the water source, and emptied through the valve. The inlet mass flow rate is constant, but as the level rises, the hydrostatic pressure inside rises and the outlet flow increases. The water level approaches asymptotically a certain height, at which the two flows balance out.
Let’s define each component in Python. We start with the sources:
class PressureSource(DynamicalModel):
p = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output, variability = VR.Constant, default = 1e5)
mDot = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
port = F.Port([p, mDot])
class FlowSource(DynamicalModel):
mDot = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output, variability = VR.Constant, default = 100.0)
p = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
port = F.Port([p, mDot])
Each class representing a component must inherit from DynamicalModel. Each model variable has:
Port is a group of variables which facilitate interconnecting components.
The water tower model is defined as follows:
class WaterTower(DynamicalModel):
ACrossSection = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Parameter, variability = VR.Constant,
default = 1.0)
hWater = F.RealState(start = 0.5)
mDotIn = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
mDotOut = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
p = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output)
portIn = F.Port([p, mDotIn])
portOut = F.Port([p, mDotOut])
@F.Function(inputs = [hWater], outputs = [p])
def compute_p(self, t):
self.p = 1e5 + 1000 * 9.8 * self.hWater
def compute(self, t):
self.der.hWater = (self.mDotIn + self.mDotOut) / 1000. / self.ACrossSection
This model contains a state variable hWater with an initial value of 0.5. State variables (and more precisely continuous states) are variables which describe the time evolution of the system. They are continuous (under normal conditions) and their value at each time instant is computed by the integrator. The user has to compute the derivative of the state variables (in our case self.der.hWater). The model has a compute() method, which will be called on each integration step. All the input variables and all the state variables of the model will be inputs for this function, and it must set values for all output variables and continuous state derivatives. The model also contains one additional method compute_p() which will be discussed later.
The valve model can be defined as:
class Valve(DynamicalModel):
Kv = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Parameter, variability = VR.Constant, default = 1000.)
VDot = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output)
mDot1 = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output)
mDot2 = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output)
p1 = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
p2 = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
controlSignal = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input, default = 1.)
port1 = F.Port([p1, mDot1])
port2 = F.Port([p2, mDot2])
def compute(self, t):
N1 = 8.784e-07;
if (self.p1 > self.p2):
self.VDot = N1 * self.Kv * m.sqrt((self.p1 - self.p2) / 1.0)
self.mDot2 = 1000 * self.VDot * self.controlSignal
self.mDot1 = - self.mDot2
self.VDot = 0
self.mDot2 = 0
self.mDot1 = 0
print self.mDot1
Now let’s define a fluid system, containing all the components connected as in the figure:
class FluidSystem(DynamicalModel):
source = F.SubModel(FlowSource)
waterTower = F.SubModel(WaterTower)
valveOut = F.SubModel(Valve)
sink = F.SubModel(PressureSource)
def __init__(self):
Using the SubModel type, we can define dynamical models as part of a larger model. We can access component ports through the meta property, and connect them through the connect() method. This effectively connects the respective variables in the port groups.
Dynamical models, like the one we defined, are described by a set of ordinary differential equations. These equations are solved numerically using fixed or variable step solvers. Both types of solvers require the user to define a set of ‘user’ functions, which will be automatically called during the integration process. The most important ones are:
Therefore, before we can run a simulation, the top level model (in this case FluidSystem) must be analyzed and the user functions generated. The analysis collects information about the variables and subcomponents in the model, about all the connections and dependencies, and creates a dependency graph for all the variables. Using the information from this graph, the individual computational methods can be sorted in an execution sequence, such that each computational function is called, only after all of its inputs are already calculated. Let’s illustrate this with the case of the water tower model.
The green dots represent computational functions of the individual components, the blue dots represent component variables and the red dots represent some special variables:
The direction of the arrows indicates the flow of information.
To generate the dependency graph the following information is used:
Once the dependency graph is available, performing a topolgical sort puts the nodes in proper order: a node whose value depends on other nodes will be found behind these nodes in the sorted sequence. Now we can trace the graph and generate a simulation sequence containing the following actions:
Now let’s go back and see why we need the extra compute_p function. As we can see on the graph, if we didn’t have this function, a problem would arise: in order to compute FluidSystem.valveOut.mDot1, the value of FluidSystem.waterTower.p is needed, but had we not defined the compute_p function, this value would have had to be calculated in the FluidSystem.waterTower.compute function, which needs FluidSystem.valveOut.mDot1 as input. The topological sort on this graph, containing a dependency cycle, would have failed, and no proper simulation sequence could have been generated. The cycle would have been caused by imprecise specifications of dependencies; in reality FluidSystem.waterTower.p depends only on the water level, which is a state variable and is available as input since the start of the time step. Defining compute_p breaks the dependency loop and permits a sequential computation of all the variables. If FluidSystem.waterTower.p was a state variable, the compute_p function would not have been necessary because state variables values are always available for calculations even at the beginning of the time step.
Once the simulation sequence is generated, the simulation can be run and the result plotted as shown in the figure below (the simulation was executed using the variable-step variable-order CVODE solver, invoked through the Assimulo Python library):
Using the outlined methodology, any causal continuous time systems can be simulated. A more general class of dynamical systems are the systems described by hybrid ODEs. Hybrid ODEs have state variables, which are continuous most of the time but can change discontinuously at special time moments, called events. Events can be time events (which happen at regular time intervals) or state events (which happen if some condition becomes true).
Currently event handling is at a very basic level and will likely change significantly. To illustrate the existing methods to handle an event, a controller will be added to the circult, which will close the outlet valve when the water level falls below 0.35 m and reopen it when it rises above 0.5 m:
class FlowController(DynamicalModel):
waterLevel = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Input)
valveOpen = F.RealVariable(causality = CS.Output, default = 1)
def detectLevelEvent(self):
if (self.valveOpen > 0.5):
return self.waterLevel - 0.35
return self.waterLevel - 0.5
@F.StateEvent(locate = detectLevelEvent)
def onLevelEvent(self):
self.valveOpen = 1 - self.valveOpen
There are two functions necessary to handle state events:
detectLevelEvent returns a value which changes sign at event occurance; it is used by the integrator to locate the exact moment in time when the event occured
the state of the controller (switch the valve on/off)
The results from this simulation can be seen in the following figure:
Meta-model for creating dynamical model classes
Base class for all dynamical models
- meta : instance of InstanceMeta, used to access field definitions
- der : instance of DerivativeVector, used to work with the model derivatives
- qPath : qualified path of this model instance in the hierarcy of the root model
- sim : the simulation compiler assigned to the top-leve model
Defines information direction for a variable
Defines the variability of a variable
Abstract base class for all field types
Parameters: |
Represents a calculation function in the model
Parameters: |
Port is a group of model variables exposed to the external world, used to connect to other models
Parameters: |
A fundamental variable field for the model
Parameters: |
Scalar variable of type real
Abstract base class for a field in a DynamicalModel instance, corresponding to a field in the model definition.
Parameters: |
Variable in a model instance
Abstract base class for all simulation actions
Action, copying value from the state derivative vector to the model state variable
Parameters: |
Action, copying value from the model state variable derivative to the global state derivative vector
Parameters: |
Calls a model computation function to compute output variables
Parameters: |
Assigns value of a variable (or its negative) to another variable
Parameters: |