Source code for smo.dynamical_models.core.SimulationActions

Created on May 10, 2015

@author:  Atanas Pavlov
@copyright: SysMo Ltd, Bulgaria
[docs]class SimulationAction(object): """ Abstract base class for all simulation actions """
[docs]class SetRealState(SimulationAction): """ Action, copying value from the state derivative vector to the model state variable """ def __init__(self, stateIndex, variableInstance): """ :param int stateIndex: global index of the state in the state vector :param variableInstance: variable instance :type variableInstance: :class:`~smo.dynamical_models.core.Fields.InstanceVariable` """ self.stateIndex = stateIndex self.variableInstance = variableInstance def __str__(self): return "{.qName} = stateVector[{}]".format( self.variableInstance, self.stateIndex) def execute(self, stateVector): self.variableInstance.setValue(stateVector[self.stateIndex])
[docs]class GetRealStateDerivative(SimulationAction): """ Action, copying value from the model state variable derivative to the global state derivative vector """ def __init__(self, stateIndex, variableInstance): """ :param int stateIndex: global index of the state in the state vector :param variableInstance: variable instance :type variableInstance: :class:`~smo.dynamical_models.core.Fields.InstanceVariable` """ self.stateIndex = stateIndex self.variableInstance = variableInstance def __str__(self): return "stateVectorDerivative[{}] = {.qName}Dot".format( self.stateIndex, self.variableInstance) def execute(self, stateDerivativeVector): modelInstance = self.variableInstance.modelInstance derValue = getattr(modelInstance.der, stateDerivativeVector[self.stateIndex] = derValue
[docs]class CallMethod(SimulationAction): """ Calls a model computation function to compute output variables """ def __init__(self, modelInstance, methodName): """ :param modelInstance: instance of model or submodel :param str methodName: method name """ self.modelInstance = modelInstance self.methodName = methodName self.method = getattr(self.modelInstance, self.methodName) def __str__(self): return "{.qName}.{}()".format(self.modelInstance, self.methodName) def execute(self, t): self.method(t)
[docs]class AssignValue(SimulationAction): """ Assigns value of a variable (or its negative) to another variable """ def __init__(self, fromVar, toVar, negate = False): """ :param fromVar: variable from which value is copied :type fromVar: :class:`~smo.dynamical_models.core.Fields.InstanceVariable` :param toVar: variable to which value is copied :type toVar: :class:`~smo.dynamical_models.core.Fields.InstanceVariable` :param bool negate: if set to ``True``, assigns the negative value of the original variable """ self.fromVar = fromVar self.toVar = toVar self.negate = negate def __str__(self): sign = "-" if (self.negate) else "" return "{.qName} = {}{.qName}".format(self.toVar, sign, self.fromVar) def execute(self): value = self.fromVar.getValue() if (self.negate): value = -value self.toVar.setValue(value)