Source code for smo.model.fields

import os
from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import numpy as np
from quantity import Quantities
from smo.web.exceptions import *
from smo.model.actions import ActionBar
from SmoWeb.settings import MEDIA_ROOT
tmpFolderPath = os.path.join (MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp')

[docs]class Field(object): """ Abstract base class for all the field types. """ # Tracks each time an instance is created. Used to retain order. creation_counter = 0 def __init__(self, label = "", description = "", show = None): """ :param str label: the text label used in the user interface usually in front of the field :param str description: description to show as tooltip when hovering over the field label :param str show: expression (as a string), which is evaluated on the client side and is used to dynamically show and hide a field, based on the values of other fields. The other fields in the model are referenced by prefixing them with ``self.`` """ self.label = label self.description = description = show if ( is not None): ='"', '\'') # Increase the creation counter, and save our local copy. self.creation_counter = Field.creation_counter Field.creation_counter += 1
[docs] def parseValue(self, value): """ :param value: value to parse Checks if the ``value`` is of valid type for this field type, and, if not, attempts to convert it into one. For example if the Field is of type :class:`Quantity`\ ('Length') then parseValue((2, 'mm')) will return 2e-3 (in the base SI unit 'm') which can be assigned to the field. Used implicitly by the :func:`smo.model.model.NumericalModel.__setattr__` method """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def getValueRepr(self, value): """ Converts the value of the field to a form suitable for JSON serialization """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def toFormDict(self): """ Converts the definition of the field to a form suitable for JSON serialization """ fieldDict = {'name' :, 'label': self.label} if ( is not None): fieldDict['show'] = fieldDict['description'] = self.description return fieldDict
[docs]class Quantity(Field): ''' Represents a physical quantity (e.g. Length, Time, Mass etc.). Allows values to be set using units e.g. (2, 'km') ''' def __init__(self, type = 'Dimensionless', default = None, minValue = None, maxValue = None, inputBoxWidth = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str type: the quantity type (Length, Mass, Time etc.) :param default: default value for the field. Could be value in SI unit or tuple (value, unit) like (2, 'mm'). :param minValue: the minimum allowed value for the field. Could be value in SI unit or tuple (value, unit) like (2, 'mm'). :param maxValue: the maximum allowed value for the field. Could be value in SI unit or tuple (value, unit) like (2, 'mm'). """ super(Quantity, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.type = type if (minValue is None): self.minValue = Quantities[self.type].get('minValue', 1e-99) else: self.minValue = self.parseValue(minValue) if (maxValue is None): self.maxValue = Quantities[self.type].get('maxValue', 1e99) else: self.maxValue = self.parseValue(maxValue) if (inputBoxWidth is None): inputBoxWidth = 120 self.inputBoxWidth = inputBoxWidth if (default is None): self.default = 1.0 if ('defDispUnit' in Quantities[self.type].keys()): self.defaultDispUnit = Quantities[self.type]['defDispUnit'] else: self.defaultDispUnit = Quantities[self.type]['SIUnit'] elif (isinstance(default, tuple) and len(default) == 2): self.default = self.parseValue(default) self.defaultDispUnit = default[1] elif (isinstance(default, (float, int))): self.default = default if ('defDispUnit' in Quantities[self.type].keys()): self.defaultDispUnit = Quantities[self.type]['defDispUnit'] else: self.defaultDispUnit = Quantities[self.type]['SIUnit'] else: raise ValueError("To set quantity default value you should either use a number or a tuple e.g. (2, 'mm')") def parseValue(self, value): if (isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2): unitDef = Quantities[self.type]['units'][value[1]] unitOffset = 0 if ('offset' not in unitDef.keys()) else unitDef['offset'] return value[0] * unitDef['mult'] + unitOffset elif (isinstance(value, (float, np.float32, np.float64))): return float(value) elif (isinstance(value, int)): return float(value) else: raise ValueError("To set quantity value you should either use a number or a tuple e.g. (2, 'mm')") def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(Quantity, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Quantity' fieldDict['quantity'] = self.type fieldDict['defaultDispUnit'] = self.defaultDispUnit fieldDict['minValue'] = self.minValue fieldDict['maxValue'] = self.maxValue unitsList = [] for key in Quantities[self.type]['units'].keys(): unitsList.append([key, Quantities[self.type]['units'][key]]) fieldDict['units'] = unitsList fieldDict['title'] = Quantities[self.type]['title'] fieldDict['nominalValue'] = Quantities[self.type]['nominalValue'] fieldDict['SIUnit'] = Quantities[self.type]['SIUnit'] fieldDict['inputBoxWidth'] = self.inputBoxWidth return fieldDict
class Integer(Field): """ Integer field """ def __init__(self, default = None, minValue = None, maxValue = None, inputBoxWidth = None, *args, **kwargs): super(Integer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (minValue is None): minValue = 0 self.minValue = self.parseValue(minValue) if (maxValue is None): maxValue = 1e6 self.maxValue = self.parseValue(maxValue) if (inputBoxWidth is None): inputBoxWidth = 120 self.inputBoxWidth = inputBoxWidth if (default is None): default = 1 self.default = self.parseValue(default) def parseValue(self, value): return int(value) def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(Integer, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Integer' fieldDict['minValue'] = self.minValue fieldDict['maxValue'] = self.maxValue fieldDict['inputBoxWidth'] = self.inputBoxWidth return fieldDict class Complex(Field): """ Complex number field """ def __init__(self, default = None, *args, **kwargs): super(Complex, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (default is None): default = (0+1j) self.default = self.parseValue(default) def parseValue(self, value): if type(value) == list: sign = '' if float(value[1]) >= 0: sign = '+' value = '(' + str(value[0]) + sign + str(value[1]) + 'j)' return complex(value) def getValueRepr(self, value): return [value.real, value.imag] def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(Complex, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Complex' return fieldDict
[docs]class String(Field): """ Represents a string field """ def __init__(self, default = None, maxLength = None, multiline = None, inputBoxWidth = None, showTooltip = False, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str default: default value :param int maxLength: the maximum number of characters in the string :param bool multiline: whether line breaks are allowed in the string :param inputBoxWidth: sets the input box width in pixels :param showTooltip: specifies if tooltip with the string value should be displayed """ super(String, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (default is None): self.default = "..." else: self.default = self.parseValue(default) if (multiline is None): self.multiline = False else: self.multiline = multiline if (maxLength is None): self.maxLength = 100 else: self.maxLength = maxLength if (inputBoxWidth is None): inputBoxWidth = 120 self.inputBoxWidth = inputBoxWidth self.showTooltip = showTooltip def parseValue(self, value): return value def getValueRepr(self, value): if (self.multiline == True): resultStr = ""; for i in range(len(value)/10): resultStr += value[:10] resultStr += '\n' value = value[10:] if len(value)>0: resultStr += value[:] else: resultStr=resultStr[:-1] return resultStr else: return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(String, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'String' fieldDict['inputBoxWidth'] = self.inputBoxWidth fieldDict['multiline'] = self.multiline fieldDict['showTooltip'] = self.showTooltip return fieldDict
[docs]class Boolean(Field): """ Represents a boolean value (True or False) """ def __init__(self, default = None, *args, **kwargs): """:param bool default: default value""" super(Boolean, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (default is None): self.default = True; else: self.default = self.parseValue(default) def parseValue(self, value): if ((value is True) or (value is False)): return value elif (value == 'true' or value == 'True'): return True elif (value == 'false' or value == 'False'): return False else: raise ValueError("To set boolean field you should either use boolean value or string") def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(Boolean, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Boolean' return fieldDict
[docs]class Choices(Field): """ Allows the user to make a choice from a list of options """ def __init__(self, options, default = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param options: dictionary or ordered dictionary containing the possible choices represented by (value, label) pairs. The label is used in the display combo-box :param default: default value (from options) """ super(Choices, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.options = options if (default is None): self.default = options.keys()[0] else: self.default = self.parseValue(default) def parseValue(self, value): if (value in self.options.keys()): return value else: raise ValueError('Illegal value {0} for choices variable!'.format(value)) def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(Choices, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Choices' optionsList = [] for key in self.options.keys(): optionsList.append([key, self.options[key]]) fieldDict['options'] = optionsList return fieldDict
[docs]class ObjectReference(Field): """ Object reference """ def __init__(self, targetContainer, default, *args, **kwargs): super(ObjectReference, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.targetContainer = targetContainer self.default = self.parseValue(default) def parseValue(self, value): if (isinstance(value, (str, unicode))): try: return self.targetContainer[value] except KeyError: raise KeyError("The reference target container for field {0} has no object with key '{1}'". format(, value)) elif (isinstance(value, dict) and '_key' in value): return value else: raise(ArgumentTypeError('The value to set a reference must be a string (key), or dictionary (having a _key field)')) def getValueRepr(self, value): return value['_key'] def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(ObjectReference, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Choices' optionsList = [] for key in self.targetContainer.keys(): optionsList.append([key, self.targetContainer[key]['label']]) fieldDict['options'] = optionsList # fieldDict['options'] = {key : value['label'] for key, value in self.targetContainer.iteritems()} return fieldDict
[docs]class RecordArray(Field): """ Composite input field for representing a structured table (array of records) """ def __init__(self, structTuple = None, numRows = 1, empty = False, toggle = True, *args, **kwargs): """ :param structTuple: tuple defining the structure of the record array. It consists of ``(name, type)`` pairs, where ``name`` is the column name, and ``type`` is one of the basic field types (:class:`Quantity`, :class:`String`, :class:`Boolean` etc.) :param int numRows: the initial number of rows in the table :param bool empty: indicates whether the record array can be emptied :param bool toggle: indicates if the array can be toggled in edit mode Example:: compositePipe = RecordArray( ( ('name', String(maxLength = 20)), ('length', Quantity('Length')), ('diameter', Quantity('Length')), ), label='composite pipe' ) """ super(RecordArray, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (empty == False): if (numRows == 0): raise ValueError('Array with 0 rows cannot be restricted to not be empty.') self.empty = empty self.numRows = numRows self.toggle = toggle if (structTuple is None): raise ValueError('The structure of the array is not defined') if (len(structTuple) == 0): raise ValueError('The structure of the array is not defined') structDict = OrderedDict(structTuple) self.fieldList = [] typeList = [] for name, field in structDict.items(): structField = field = name self.fieldList.append(structField) if isinstance(field, Integer): typeList.append((, elif isinstance(field, Quantity): typeList.append((, np.float64)) elif isinstance(field, Boolean): typeList.append((, np.dtype(bool))) elif (isinstance(field, String) or isinstance(field, Choices)): typeList.append((, np.dtype('S' + str(field.maxLength)))) self.dtype = np.dtype(typeList) self.defaultRow = [] for field in self.fieldList: self.defaultRow.append(field.default) self.defaultRow = tuple(self.defaultRow) @property def default(self): default = np.zeros((self.numRows,), dtype = self.dtype) for i in range(self.numRows): default[i] = self.defaultRow return default def parseValue(self, value): if (isinstance(value, np.ndarray)): return value elif (isinstance(value, list)): array = np.zeros((len(value),), dtype = self.dtype) i = 0 for elem in value: if isinstance(elem, list): array[i] = tuple(elem) else: raise ArgumentTypeError('Trying to set row of RecordArray from non-list object') i += 1 return array else: raise ArgumentTypeError('The value of RecordArray must be a numpy structured array or a list of lists') def getValueRepr(self, value): return value.tolist() def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(RecordArray, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'RecordArray' jsonFieldList = [] for field in self.fieldList: jsonFieldList.append(field.toFormDict()) fieldDict['fields'] = jsonFieldList fieldDict['defaultRow'] = self.defaultRow fieldDict['empty'] = self.empty fieldDict['toggle'] = self.toggle return fieldDict
[docs]class HdfStorage(Field): """ Field specifying HDF storage. Its value is dataset name """ def __init__(self, default = None, hdfFile = None, hdfGroup = None, datasetColumns = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param hdfFile: name of HDF file :param hdfGroup: path to HDF group :param datasetColumns: list of names of dataset columns comprising the value of the field using HDF storage """ super(HdfStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (default is None): self.default = '' else: self.default = self.parseValue(default) if (hdfFile is None or hdfGroup is None): raise ValueError('Hdf file or hdf group is undefined') hdfFile = os.path.join(tmpFolderPath, hdfFile) self.hdfFile = hdfFile self.hdfGroup = hdfGroup self.datasetColumns = datasetColumns = 'false' def parseValue(self, value): if (isinstance(value, str)): return value else: raise ValueError('Dataset name must be a string') def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(HdfStorage, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'HdfStorage' fieldDict['hdfFile'] = self.hdfFile fieldDict['hdfGroup'] = self.hdfGroup fieldDict['datasetColumns'] = self.datasetColumns return fieldDict
[docs]class DataSeriesView(Field): """ Composite output field for representing a table or plot """ def __init__(self, structTuple = None, visibleColumns = None, useHdfStorage = False, storage = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param structTuple: tuple defining the structure of the view data. It consists of ``(name, type)`` pairs, where ``name`` is the column name, and ``type`` is one of the basic field types (:class:`Quantity`, :class:`String`, :class:`Boolean` etc.) Example:: ( ('pressure', Quantity('Pressure')), ('temperature', Quantity('Temperature')) ) :param visibleColumns: list of integers specifying which columns are visible in the view :param useHdfStorage: indicates if data is to be stored in HDF :param storage: name of HdfStorage field """ super(DataSeriesView, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (structTuple is None): raise ValueError('The data structure is not defined.') if (len(structTuple) == 0): raise ValueError('The data structure is not defined.') structDict = OrderedDict(structTuple) self.fieldList = [] typeList = [] self.dataLabels = [] fieldNames = [] for name, field in structDict.items(): = name fieldNames.append(name) if (field.label != ""): self.dataLabels.append(field.label) else: self.dataLabels.append(name) self.fieldList.append(field) if isinstance(field, Quantity): typeList.append((name, np.float64)) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported type for a data series') self.dtype = np.dtype(typeList) if (visibleColumns is None): self.visibleColumns = [n for n in range(len(self.dataLabels))] else: self.visibleColumns = visibleColumns self.useHdfStorage = useHdfStorage if (useHdfStorage == True): if (storage is None): raise ValueError('Storage field name is undefined') = storage @property def default(self): if (self.useHdfStorage == True): return else: return np.zeros((1,), dtype = self.dtype) def parseValue(self, value): if (self.useHdfStorage == True): if (isinstance(value, str)): return value else: raise ValueError('Storage field name must be a string') else: if (isinstance(value, np.ndarray)): return value elif (isinstance(value, list)): array = np.zeros((len(value),), dtype = self.dtype) i = 0 for elem in value: if isinstance(elem, list): array[i] = tuple(elem) else: raise ArgumentTypeError('Trying to set row of View from non-list object') i += 1 return array else: raise ArgumentTypeError('The value of View must be a numpy structured array or a list of lists') def getValueRepr(self, value): if (self.useHdfStorage == True): return value else: return value.tolist() def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(DataSeriesView, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'View' jsonFieldList = [] for field in self.fieldList: jsonFieldList.append(field.toFormDict()) fieldDict['fields'] = jsonFieldList fieldDict['labels'] = self.dataLabels fieldDict['visibleColumns'] = self.visibleColumns fieldDict['useHdfStorage'] = self.useHdfStorage return fieldDict
[docs]class TableView(DataSeriesView): """ Field for visualization of table data """ def __init__(self, structTuple = None, options = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param structTuple: tuple defining the structure of the view data. \ It consists of ``(name, type)`` pairs, \ where ``name`` is the column name, and ``type`` is the :class:`Quantity` field type Example:: ( ('pressure', Quantity('Pressure')), ('temperature', Quantity('Temperature')) ) :param dict options: additional options to be passed """ if (options is None): self.options = {} else: if (isinstance(options, dict)): self.options = options else: raise ArgumentTypeError('Options passed to TableView must be a dictionary object') super(TableView, self).__init__(structTuple = structTuple, *args, **kwargs) def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(TableView, self).toFormDict() if ('title' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['title'] = self.label fieldDict['options'] = self.options fieldDict['type'] = 'TableView' return fieldDict
[docs]class PlotView(DataSeriesView): """ Field for creating interactive plots """ def __init__(self, structTuple = None, xlog = None, ylog = None, options = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param structTuple: tuple defining the structure of the view data. \ It consists of ``(name, type)`` pairs, \ where ``name`` is the column name, and ``type`` is the :class:`Quantity` field type Example:: ( ('pressure', Quantity('Pressure')), ('temperature', Quantity('Temperature')) ) :param bool xlog: use logarithmic scale for x axis :param bool ylog: use logarithmic scale for y axis :param dict options: additional options to be passed """ if (xlog is None): self.xlog = False else: self.xlog = xlog if (ylog is None): self.ylog = False else: self.ylog = ylog if (options is None): self.options = {} else: if (isinstance(options, dict)): self.options = options else: raise ArgumentTypeError('Options passed to TableView must be a dictionary object') super(PlotView, self).__init__(structTuple = structTuple, *args, **kwargs) def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(PlotView, self).toFormDict() if ('title' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['title'] = self.label if ('width' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['width'] = 700 if ('height' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['height'] = 400 self.options['labels'] = self.dataLabels if ('xlabel' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['xlabel'] = self.dataLabels[0] if ('ylabel' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['ylabel'] = None if ('labelsDivWidth' not in self.options.keys()): self.options['labelsDivWidth'] = 400 self.options['labelsSeparateLines'] = True if (self.xlog): self.options['axes'] = { 'x' : {'logscale': True} } if (self.ylog): self.options['logscale'] = True fieldDict['options'] = self.options fieldDict['type'] = 'PlotView' return fieldDict # class VariationTable(TableView): # def __init__(self, default = None, dataLabels = None, quantities = None, # visibleColumns = None, options = None, parentCollection = None, fieldName = None, *args, **kwargs): # if (fieldName is None): # raise ValueError('VariationTable constructor must be passed the name of the Variation Table field.') # if (parentCollection is None): # raise ValueError('VariationTable constructor must be passed a parent MongoDB collection.') # else: # self.collection = parentCollection[fieldName] # # if (default is None): # default = VariationTableValue(recordId = '', newRow = [], collection = self.collection, varTableName = fieldName) # else: # default = self.parseValue(default) # # super(VariationTable, self).__init__(default, dataLabels, quantities, # visibleColumns, options, *args, **kwargs) # # def parseValue(self, valueObj): # if (isinstance(valueObj, VariationTableValue)): # return valueObj # else: # raise ArgumentTypeError('The value of VariationTable must be a VariationTableValue object') # # def getValueRepr(self, valueObj): # extendedData = valueObj.value.tolist() # extendedData.insert(0, self.dataLabels) # return extendedData
[docs]class Image(Field): """ Field for displaying an image """ def __init__(self, default = "", width = None, height = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str default: path to image source :param int width: image width in pixels :param int height: image height in pixels """ super(Image, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) #if default is None: # raise ArgumentError("Image field constructor must be passed string argument 'default' specifying image source path.") #else: self.default = default self.width = width self.height = height def parseValue(self, value): return value def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(Image, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'Image' fieldDict['width'] = self.width fieldDict['height'] = self.height return fieldDict
[docs]class MPLPlot(Field): """ Field for displaying a matplotlib plot """ def __init__(self, width = None, height = None, *args, **kwargs): """ :param int width: image width in pixels :param int height: image height in pixels """ super(MPLPlot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.width = width self.height = height @property def default(self): import pylab as plt fig = plt.Figure(facecolor = 'white') #fig.set_size_inches(self.width / float(fig.dpi), self.height / float(fig.dpi)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) return ax def getValueRepr(self, value): import os, tempfile from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas from SmoWeb.settings import MEDIA_ROOT # Create the tmp file fileHandler, absFilePath = tempfile.mkstemp('.png', dir = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'tmp')) imagePath = os.path.join('media', os.path.relpath(absFilePath, MEDIA_ROOT)) # Save the plot to the tmp file canvas = FigureCanvas(value.figure) canvas.print_png(absFilePath) # Close the tmp file os.close(fileHandler) return imagePath def parseValue(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(MPLPlot, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'MPLPlot' fieldDict['width'] = self.width fieldDict['height'] = self.height return fieldDict
class TextArea(Field): """ Represents a text area read-only field """ def __init__(self, default = None, width = None, height = None, showTooltip = False, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str default: default value :param int width: the width of the text area :param int height: the height of the text area :param showTooltip: specifies if tooltip with the string value should be displayed """ super(TextArea, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if (default is None): self.default = "..." else: self.default = self.parseValue(default) self.width = width self.height = height self.showTooltip = showTooltip def parseValue(self, value): return value def getValueRepr(self, value): return value def toFormDict(self): fieldDict = super(TextArea, self).toFormDict() fieldDict['type'] = 'TextArea' fieldDict['width'] = self.width fieldDict['height'] = self.height fieldDict['showTooltip'] = self.showTooltip return fieldDict
[docs]class Port(Field): """ Used to create ports for linking to other components """ def __init__(self, klass, *args, **kwargs): Field.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.klass = klass
[docs]class SubModelGroup(Field): """ Used to include field-group or supergroup from a sub-model :param klass: the sub-model class :param group: the sub-model group to be included """ def __init__(self, klass, content, *args, **kwargs): Field.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.klass = klass self.useSubmodelGroup = False if (isinstance(content, basestring)): groupName = content self.useSubmodelGroup = True # Search in basic and super groups if (groupName in klass.declared_basicGroups): = klass.declared_basicGroups[groupName] elif (groupName in klass.declared_superGroups): = klass.declared_superGroups[groupName] else: raise AttributeError('Class {} has no declared group {}'.format(klass.__name__, groupName)) elif (isinstance(content, list)): fields = [] for fieldName in content: field = klass.declared_fields[fieldName] fields.append(field) = FieldGroup(fields) = 'FG' def copyByName(self): newObject = copy.copy(self) return newObject def resolve(self, resDict): pass
[docs]class Group(object): """Abstract group class""" # Tracks each time an instance is created. Used to retain order. creation_counter = 0 def __init__(self, label = "", show = None): self.label = label = show if ( is not None): ='"', '\'') # Increase the creation counter, and save our local copy. self.creation_counter = Group.creation_counter Group.creation_counter += 1
[docs]class BasicGroup(Group): """Abstract class for group of fields""" def __init__(self, fields = None, hideContainer = False, *args, **kwargs): super(BasicGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields = [] if (fields is not None): for field in fields: self.fields.append(field) self.hideContainer = hideContainer def copyByName(self): newObject = copy.copy(self) newObject.fields = [ for field in self.fields] return newObject def resolve(self, resDict): for i in range(len(self.fields)): if (isinstance(self.fields[i], basestring)): self.fields[i] = resDict[self.fields[i]]
[docs]class FieldGroup(BasicGroup): """Represents a group of fields of all basic types except for PlotView and TableView""" pass
[docs]class ViewGroup(BasicGroup): """Represents a group of fields of type PlotView and/or TableView""" pass
[docs]class SuperGroup(Group): """Represents a group of FieldGroup and/or ViewGroup groups""" def __init__(self, groups = None, *args, **kwargs): super(SuperGroup, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.groups = [] if (groups is None) else groups def copyByName(self): newObject = copy.copy(self) newObject.groups = [ for group in self.groups] return newObject def resolve(self, resDict): for i in range(len(self.groups)): if (isinstance(self.groups[i], basestring)): self.groups[i] = resDict[self.groups[i]]
[docs]class ModelView(object): """ Represents a view of the numerical model, comprised of super-groups and a bar of buttons for performing actions. :param str ioType: the type of the view. It may be *input*, requiring the user to enter input data, or *output*, displaying the results of the computation :param list superGroups: a list of ``SuperGroup`` objects :param ActionBar actionBar: an ``ActionBar`` object :param bool autoFetch: used to specify whether the view should be loaded automatically at the client """ def __init__(self, ioType, superGroups, actionBar = None, autoFetch = False, keepDefaultDefs = False): self.ioType = ioType self.superGroups = superGroups if actionBar is None: actionBar = ActionBar() self.actionBar = actionBar self.autoFetch = autoFetch self.keepDefaultDefs = keepDefaultDefs def copyByName(self): newObject = copy.copy(self) newObject.superGroups = [ for group in self.superGroups] return newObject def resolve(self, resDict): for i in range(len(self.superGroups)): if (isinstance(self.superGroups[i], basestring)): self.superGroups[i] = resDict[self.superGroups[i]]
[docs]class ModelFigure(object): """ Represents a figure displayed with the numerical model, which also serves as thumbnail for the model :param int width: width in pixels of the figure on the model page :param int height: height in pixels of the figure on the model page :param bool show: show figure on the model page """ def __init__(self, src = None, width = None, height = None, show = True): if (src == None): raise ValueError('File path missing as first argument.') else: self.src = src srcFolder, fileName = os.path.split(self.src) baseName, ext = os.path.splitext(fileName) self.thumbSrc = os.path.join(srcFolder, 'thumbnails', baseName + '_thumb.png') if (width == None): self.width = 'auto' else: self.width= width if (height == None): self.height = 'auto' else: self.height= height = show
[docs]class ModelDescription(object): """ Description of the numerical model :param str text: the description text displayed on the model page :param str asTooltip: custom tooltip description of the model. If ``None``, ``text`` is used instead. """ def __init__(self, text, asTooltip = None, show = True): self.text = text = show if (asTooltip is None): self.asTooltip = text else: self.asTooltip = asTooltip